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Personnel Committee minutes June 6, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
June 6, 2006                                                            Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara

The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.    Minutes of April 26, 2006 were read and approved.

Personnel Action Document:  William Dempsey, resignation effective March 21, 2006.
Educational Assistance:   On a motion made by DiBugnara and seconded by Shapiro the Personnel Committee approved the payment of $199.00 for an Administrative Assistants Conference/Seminar attended by Linda Day, Town Secretary.  (Minardi – yes, Shapiro – yes, DiBugnara – yes)

Vacation Carryover:  On a motion made by DiBugnara and seconded by Shapiro the Personnel Committee approved the request of Linda Day, Town Secretary to carry 5 vacation days over to FY07.  (Minardi – yes, Shapiro – yes, DiBugnara – yes)

The Personnel Committee discussed dissolving as of December 31, 2006 and will prepare an exit plan.  The Personnel Committee currently has 2 openings on the 5 member board.  Jeanne Shapiro did not plan to finish out her term but agreed to stay through the fall in order for the Personnel Committee to maintain a quorum.  At the end of December Ms. DiBugnara and Mr. Minardi plan to resign and have advised the Board.  

 had been planning not to continue with another term but re-upped in order to maintain a quorum through the fall after committee member Jay Weiser relocated .  At the end of December, Barbara DiBugnara and Bob Minardi will end their terms and have advised the board that they are not planning to continue.    

The Personnel Committee asked Town Secretary Linda Day to contact Joanne Jenkins, Town Treasurer to find out the status of her review of the Sick Bank Policy prepared by the Personnel Committee.

Town Secretary Linda Day reported that 21 resumes had been received in response to the ad for the full time EMT/FF Position. The search committee will be reviewing the resumes and preparing for interviews.

The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed revised job description furnished by the Administrative Assessor and the Board of Assessors.~ The Committee reviewed the draft job description paragraph by paragraph and compared it to the current job description dated January 24, 2005.~ The Committee did not find substantial new duties or skills within the proposed revised version.~ It was noted that the new version of the job descriptions seems to be quite similar to the current version with the addition of adjectives and explanatory sentences.~~ At this time the Personnel Committee did not see any reason to rewrite the job description.  The Committee would like to suggest that Town Administrator Jodi Ross and the Board of Assessors meet to layout the specific tasks that the contracted "Assessor" performs and compare that to the responsibilities that an in-house Principal Assessor would perform.~ If there are tasks not being accomplished by the new contracted position, a determination could be made as to whether the tasks are still necessary or would these specific tasks now~be performed by the Administrative Assessor.~~If new tasks that were previously performed (solely) by the Principal Assessor were to be handed over to the Administrative Assessor, then there could be grounds for a job description rewrite.

On a motion made by Shapiro and seconded by DiBugnara the Committee voted not to rewrite the job description.  The job description for this or similar positions has been brought by the Board of Assessors to the Personnel Committee several times over the past several years.  Thus, the Personnel Committee has decided to suggest that the Board of Assessors contract with a human resources consultant to review the current and proposed job description.~ Bob Minardi will contact Sandy Stapczynski of Human Resources Services, Inc.~to determine the availability,~interest and fee that the Board of Assessors would pay.~ The Personnel Committee would assume that HRS, Inc.~will also ask for specific tasks that have changed in the Administrative Assessor position.  The Committee will request that Ms. Stapczynski let them know if there are any tangible changes to the job functions.  

Meeting adjourned.